Road transports domestic and international (E.U. and third-country - Russia, Near East etc.)
Road transports full truck load, less than container load, special (semi-trailers, sets, small vehicles, oversize transports, tempered transports of dangerous goods etc.)
Related rules and arrangements: IMO International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code - IMDG, INCOTERMS 2010 (not only for container transports), Haag rules, Haag-visby rules
Air transports
Providing for air transports
Door to door (i.e. From the sender to the recipient)
From airport to airport
From sender to the delivery airport
From sending airport to the recipient
Related rules and arrangements: Montreal convention on an air carrier responsibility, Warsaw convention
Combined transports
Providing for combined transports - combining multiple types of transports i.e.
an alternative way to road transports suitable for the transport of bulk substrates, bulk repeated transports of raw materials and materials (i.a. for environmental reasons) or transports to the Far East (because of financial reasons)
possibility of reloading and change of documents at the transfer from the CIM mode to SMGS and other way round